In its 17th year of existence, the Plastics Industry Awards held their annual awards ceremony, recognizing the best manufacturers in the UK plastics industry. Presented categories varied from manufacturing training to environmental performance. Sponsors of the Plastics Industry Awards 2017 included leading firms of injection moulding industry such as Engel UK, RJG Technologies, Hasco, and Distrupol.
In partnership with Piovan UK, we were nominated in the Supplier Partnership – Ancillary Machinery category. It was an honour to have our partnership be recognized on such a high level. Polymermedics and Piovan UK have a long-standing, trusting relationship that spans over decades.
“The installation period brought critical challenges to the transition process and marked the turning point of our project”
Piovan’s background in high energy efficiency and high-quality equipment production allowed Polymermedics to develop a solid partnership and undertake unprecedented projects with absolute confidence in flawless performance secured by both sides.
Our collaboration resulted in enhanced material conveying and blending system. The installation period brought critical challenges to the transition process and marked the turning point of our project. Piovan’s engineers together with Polymermedics’ specialists worked 12 hours a day over a 14-day period. Once the devices were up and running, Piovan UK ensured a smooth transition from one system to another. To learn more about the issues that we had to overcome, please click here.